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Why do it?

As the world population rises, so does the demand for energy, but tackling climate change to help protect the environment is something every business can do no matter how large or small.

It is common knowledge that brown energy from fossil fuels has a detrimental impact on climate change, however not everyone knows of the other benefits for businesses who choose to go greener.

Switching to a green tariff allows you to meet the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard where it can be matched to REGOs, allowing you to report zero emissions for “Scope 2” purchased electricity. ”REGO” stands for Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin and one is issued for each megawatt hour of renewable electricity generated.

Switching to a green tariff allows you to meet the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard where it can be matched to REGOs, allowing you to report zero emissions for “Scope 2” purchased electricity. ”REGO” stands for Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin and one is issued for each megawatt hour of renewable electricity generated.





Report zero emissions for Scope 2 purchased electricity.

Reduce your organisation’s carbon footprint.

Demonstrate best practice in your marketplace.

Demonstrate your commitment to renewable and sustainable goals.

Enhance your reputation with customers and other stakeholders.

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